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Payday Filing Q&A

What’s changing?

You need to file employment information more frequently


When does it start?

1 April 2019

You can switch early, but most software and paper returns are not available until 1 April 2019


What is payday info?

Employment information, similar to the current employer monthly schedule


When do I file it?

Payday info is due within 2 working days of paying staff if you file electronically (software or myIR). We would recommend filing when processing pays. Information can be amended if need be.

Payday info is due within 10 working days of paying staff if you file via paper (to allow time for the post)

Regional holidays are considered working days

Change over period: you will need to file the March 2019 employer monthly schedule on the 20th of April, while filing payday information for April during April.


When do I pay it?

Payment is still due on the 20th of the following month as before (or 5th and 20th of the month if applicable)

Penalties for late filing and late payment applies just like now


How do I file it?


Most payroll software will enable you to file your payday info directly from the software at the click of a button much like the GST returns. It will simply add a step to your payroll process.


If you are currently filing through myIR (file transfer or onscreen), you will need to log in each payday after you’ve prepared the pays and enter the information. It will work similar to how it works now but moved to the My Business section.


If you are filing paper returns, you can either switch to online filing through myIR or continue filing papers returns (only available to Employers with less than $50,000 PAYE and ESCT per year). Paper returns can be filed on payday basis or twice monthly. A separate form required for new employee details.

Schedular Payments

Schedular payments:

  • Can file as part of regular payroll or
  • Twice monthly (periods covering 1-15th month and 16th-end of month)

Other Info

If you don’t pay anyone in the pay period, Nil returns are not required

If you have a myIR account you can amend previously filed returns online.

Possible to file in advance


What other information do I need to file?

Additional information now required to be filed for new employees, separately to payday information, on or before the new employee’s first payday. There will be a new tab in the My Business section under Payroll called Employees to provide this information.

  • date of birth (if it’s been given to you)
  • start and end date of employment
  • KiwiSaver status
  • Contact detail